Wednesday, February 23, 2011

He's Almost Here!!!

Well, let's hope he's almost here! I have 5 days to go, and at the most 15 days...eeek! Everyone pray he comes on time tho because Sai has a training in the UK March 7-11 and I just can't do this whole birthing thing on my own!!! But he will talk to his boss this Friday to let him know the situation. The military supposively understands so I'm hoping there's not problem, but still...this baby needs to come so I don't have to stress about it!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Not much new...

Well, I had another appointment and they said that I'm measuring "spot on"! So I guess that's good...until they told me that the baby is weighing in at 7lb12oz...eeek!!! And that was as of Thursday, so I don't want to think about how big he is going to be. I also have not dialated AT I'm thinking he's not coming any time early. Oh well.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

37 Weeks, 2 Days...19 days left!!!

Baby Nox is town! Well, he's not coming right NOW!!! But he is on his way. I had my midwife appointment yesterday, which doesn't really mean much except that my blood pressure is good, the baby's heart beat is strong and I'm the right size for my time. I'm down to 19 days left and I'm still just hoping he doesn't decide to come late! We have the birthing class all day on Friday and I think I'm ready any time after that! =) So here are some updated pictures...I'm not sure if there's that much of a change...but here they are nonetheless. We also had the crib delivered on that's the last big thing that we needed!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Date Night!

Well, I'm sure you can tell from the pictures that there's not really many places to go out to out here! We went bowling again with some friends and played some pool and then we went out to Pizza Hut!!! Yuuum, yuuuuum!!! I have been waiting so long to go there, but now that I know how expensive it is...I'm good for a while. A looooong while!!! And it didn't help having me think I can eat more then I really can. I was already good after I ate one of the quesadillas we ordered as the appetizer! lol! That's so sad!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tick, tick, toc...

Well...I had another doctor's appointment today and it went well. My blood pressure is good, I didn't get sick this time when I had to lay there for 25 minutes while they monitored the baby's heart beat and the doctor said the baby's size is less then average! She said it measured smaller then it did a week and a half ago...go figure. There's the wonderful high tech machines they have!!! haha! So unreliable! She said the baby's weight is 5lbs 9oz. So with 3 weeks and 4 days to go, let's hope he doesn't gain more then the 1/2lbs a week! I think I can handle a 7lbs baby! =) I also had a tour of the hospital yesterday and it was pretty uneventful. The labor room has a really weird shaped bed. It has a rectangle shape where your head goes (or above), the middle part of the bed is a big circle and then there's another big wide rectangle where your legs go. It also had a rope with 2 knots hanging from the ceiling...hmmm...? The bed thing doesn't look to comfy, so let's hope I'm not in there long!!! After, you're put in a room where most likely I will be sharing (blah) with someone else if the maternity ward is full! Grr...but if Sai wants to stay the night I can get a private room if we pay $50/night. So we'll see about that. The Germans have to stay in the hospital for a minimum of 3 days as health care requires, but British military patients can leave when they feel like it since the midwife will visit the house every day for 10-14 days after the birth. Well..just 25 days to go till my due date!!! =0)